
Monday 2 December 2019

Me as Garry Kasparov (SLJ) - (By Mele'ana)

Facts on Lorde (SLJ) - ( By Mele'ana )

My Pepeha (Translated in Tongan) (SLJ) - (By Mele'ana)

The Gender Gap (SLJ) - (By Mele'ana)

“The Gender Pay Gap”

It really just depends on how they play in the game and
how they win & lose.
If the All Blacks have won loads of games then they deserve
it, same goes for the Black ferns. So if the All blacks have
not done too well then they should earn less than the Black
ferns, same goes for Black ferns towards the All blacks.

This paragraph is about the All blacks getting as less as the
Black ferns, even though the Black ferns might of won more
than the All blacks.

My four new similes (SLJ) - (By Mele'ana)

Description of the BFG (SLJ) - (By Mele'ana)

Thursday 5 September 2019

Jim's table-By Meleana

Jim’s table

Jim has some squared paper handy. He put the numbers 1 to 10 along the top and the even numbers down the side. He then started adding the numbers together. As he filled in the numbers he began to see patterns.

Find some patterns for yourself. Use them to complete Jim’s table. 
 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
 5 7810 11 12 13 14 
10 11 12 13 14 15  16
 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 
11 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 
 13 14 1516  1718 19 20 21 22 
 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 

Why we must keep ourselves clean! - ( By Mele'ana )

If you don’t keep yourself clean you could catch a disease or as I would say a virus.

You could catch Meningococcal B by sharing a straw, Sharing a cup, Spreading your germs and sharing everything and spreading anything. Meningococcal B is a very big disease and could kill you. It will affect you and probably affect your family, and anyone you hang out with. You probably won’t even know that you have Meningococcal B, it doesn’t really show that much for your first day.

Measles is another kind of disease/virus. Measles has been going around and spreading, it’s also been on the news! People that have Measles could spread it to others when they breath, cough or sneeze. You can catch measles by being in the same room as someone who has it or being in a room up to 2 hours after they’ve left. Measles can affect others around you so quickly. If you have measles you would have rashes around you and you would mostly scratch all the time. You could catch measles even before the affected person gets a measles rash.

Chicken Pox is also a Disease/Virus. It shows mostly everywhere, it is also contagious, the best way to not give it to anyone else is to stay away from others. When you have chicken Pox you would have little/big dots everywhere around your body and you would be scratching mostly all the time. People would think you look ugly and stupid, but it’s just that your sick and you don’t feel good. The best way to stay away from others and not to spread the virus is to stay home, relax and have walm soup or maybe some tea.

Thursday 1 August 2019

Eating Junk food- By Mele'ana

Learning Intention- W.A.L.T- write a Persuasive writing.
Success Criteria-I know I am when I can persuade my reader about my story.

I disagree that eating junk food is good for us, because you could get rotten teeth and even go to the dentist. Junk food has lots of sugar and salt, and they affect your teeth and it will start to hurt. It has no vitamins, so it will just make your body rotten. You even might get diabetes from eating lots of Junk food. Fruit and vegetables are way better than Junk food.

R.E. activities-By Mele'ana

Learning Intention-W.A.L.T-carry out the church mission of service to people.
Success Criteria-I know I am successful when I can tell how people in the parish carry out the church's mission of service.

1) People are serving others by donating food to the poor.

2) People are serving others by visiting and cheering up the sick.

3) People are serving others by cheering up the lonely and helping the homeless

4) People are serving others by giving food to the hungry.

Church - ( By Mele'ana )

Learning Intention-W.A.L- the mission of Jesus.
Success Criteria-I know I am successful when I can tell the mission of Jesus.

1) Jesus' mission is the same as the mission of the church today.

2) The mission of Jesus was to bring about what God wants for 
     all people.

3) The work Jesus did started the building of God's kingdom           on earth.

4) God wants people to become Holy by cooperating with God's

5) People become holy through God's grace which is God's 
    presence and action in them.

Shellfish - Cockles- ( By Mele'ana )

Learning Intention-W.A.L.T-write an argument.
Success Criteria-I know I am successful when I can give my idea to the argument.

What are Cockles?
A Cockle is an edible, marine mollusc. 
Many small bivalves are loosely called Cockles, true cockles are species in the family of Cardiidae.

Why are cockles disappearing?
Cockles are disappearing because people are greedy and taking big sackfuls of Cockles. The take limit has been in place for a few years and people are braking it.

What can we do about it?
We could put up signs that say " 20 Cockles per person" and watch out if people ignore and take more. If they ignore, then we could sew them for $2,000. Or we could put it on the news telling New Zealand the limit or just put it on google for people to read. 

Koi carp are pests-By Mele'ana

Learning Intention-W.A.L.T-write an argument.
Success Criteria-I know I am successful when I can give my idea to the argument.

What is Koi carp?
Koi are coloured varieties of common carp. Koi carp belongs to the family of Cyprinidae in Japan. Most Koi carp are red, black, white and blue.

I disagree that Koi carp are pets because they damage our lakes and out rivers. Koi carp also take other fish food, so the fish will die. It also affects native fish habitats and also plant species. Koi carp feed on anything, so when it's hungry it will kill all plants, fish and fish eggs.

Red riding hood visits Saint Patricks school-By Mele'ana

Learning Intention-W.A.L.T-write a narrative story.
Success Criteria-I know I am successful when I can use fulls stops, capital letters, correct spelling and in paragraph form.

Once upon a time there lived a Beautiful young girl named little red riding hood. She lived in a really big house near Panmure basin with her dad.

One day her dad said "I'm sending you to a school". Little red riding hood was shocked she didn't know what a school was because when she was small she was home schooled, so she never went to kindergarten or primary. She wanted to see what school was like, so she visited St Patricks school. She visited a class and looked around.

She liked school, so she stayed in St Patricks school. She made heaps of friends and she loved it.

Warsaw-By Mele'ana

Learning Intention-W.A.L.T-write a narrative story.
Success Criteria-I know I am successful when I can use full stops, Capital letter, correct spelling and in paragraph form.

Once upon a time, in a beautiful tree filled forest, lived an enormous, bright, green and purple fire breathing dragon named "Warsaw". He was lonely because he was ugly and he had no friends. People think he was scary. 

Warsaw went out for a fly, then he saw some people and they saw him, they all ran away. The thing was that Warsaw had big horns on top of his head, thats why people were scared of him, Warsaw felt sad that they kept running away. Until one day they called animal control and warned them that he was a dragon. The animal Control came and kid napped him in a big cage and left him in the forest with a lock, Warsaw started to scream and breath fire in the air. A girl named Bat girl came with her cousin Batman and they rescued him, but it took an hour because the cage was made out of a big texture. She saved him and took him to safety.

They both became friends and played lots of games together. Warsaw was really happy that he had a new best friend. One day Warsaw went to Bat girl's house to see lots of people, but it was full heroes. They didn't know that Warsaw was a dragon, they thought he was human. Warsaw walked through the door and everyone screamed, but then they all got used to Warsaw. So Bat girl was really happy that they were all friends. The next day Warsaw made many more friends.


My dreams-By Mele'ana

Learning Intention-W.A.L.T- write a poem about dreams.
Success Criteria-I know I am successful when I can write a poem about my dreams.

I dream about...
Moon and stars,
Rainbows and butterfly's,
bees and birds
- and I am excited.

I dream about...
Zombies and dead birds,
volcano's and big bombs,
thunderstorms and lighting
- and I am terrified.

Mission day ( to celebrate or not celebrate )-By Mele'ana

Learning Intention-W.A.L.T-write a persuasive writing.
Success Criteria-I know I am successful when I can persuade someone to agree to my point of view.

We need to celebrate Mission day...
I totally agree that we should celebrate Mission day because there would be competitions, activities and other fun. Each class would choose an activity to do for Mission day and some teachers could do competitions like raffles or something.

But the best part is that we can wear muffty. Also all the money we spend will go to a orphanage called "Holy Angels" in India. Mission day is really important to our school because we are supporting India's Orphanage and our Mission school. There would be food like lollies, cakes and drinks, like fizz and juice. Not that much things are expensive, most food, drinks, activities and raffles are cheap. You don't really need to pay that much.

I love Mission day so much I wish it could last forever and
ever. I wish it could happen every single day.

How to be a good friend-By Mele'ana

Learning Intention-W.A.L.T-write an explanation.
Success Criteria-I know I am successful when I can write an explanation using capital letters, full stops and in paragraph form.

Being a good friend is like being a good person to others. Some friends are mean, nasty and bad and some are trustworthy, nice and caring.

You can be a good friend by apologising to someone you have hurt. Like if you were playing with a friend or two and then pushed one down, you could say your sorry. Or if you hit or kicked someone you could say you would never do it again. You could even become best friends with someone if you shake hands with them or a quick hug.  

Rules at home, church and school-By Mele'ana

Rules help people to practise fairness, Respect and safety.

House rules:
1)No secrets-because telling the truth is a good thing to do.
2)No fighting-because someone might get hurt and someone might break something.
3)No swearing or any bad words-because it is hurtful words.

School rules:
1) Keep your hands and feet to yourself-because if you hit or kick someone you might start a big fight.
2)No lollies and chocolate-because some being might be allergic.
3) No swearing-because it is hurtful words and our school is Catholic. 

Why do we celebrate Christmas?

Learning Intention-W.A.L.T- write an explanation.
Success Criteria- I know I am successful when I can write adjectives, capital letters and full stops. 

We celebrate  Christmas because first, Jesus was born on that day, so its really Jesus' birthday. Also we celebrate Christmas because its fun when family and other relatives come together and have little parties. Second, we can all decorate our house and our Christmas tree with different, colourful decorations.

Third, you could also open lots of presents and get new stuff that reminds us of how Jesus got gifts from the three 
wise-men. Fourth you can even give a gift to someone over sea's or you can be a gift. I wish Christmas happened every year, every month, every day and every night.

Invitation to sleeping beauty-By Mele'ana

Learning Intention-W.A.L.T- write a creative narrative story.
Success Criteria-I know I am successful when I can change the beginning and ending of my story.

Dear Sleeping Beauty,

Im inviting you  to come to Saint Patrick School, to watch our Christmas carols, on 12th of December. 
Please come and join us and please don't sleep.

Sleeping Beauty visited Saint Patrick School

On the 12th of December, I saw sleeping beauty walk through the front gate. She told me that she came by a carriage, and I saw it leave, it was gold and white and it looked super shiny.

We both walked inside the classroom. She saw lots of tables and papers. She looked at all the things in the classroom. She read lots of books and checked new books. She sat down on the tables with us and drew pictures of Santa.

Sleeping beauty asked when th Christmas carols start and actually it was just about to start. started and we sang great. Sleeping beauty left and all Room 6 waved as she walked out of the gate.

One day I wish I would invite Cinderella.

Chapter 1, Iron Man - ( By Mele'ana )


Reflection on Chapter 1 of The Iron Man.

This week we read the first chapter of The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. In this Chapter we learned a lot about what the Iron Man was like because the author describes him very well. He said the Iron Man was as tall as a house, his head was shaped like a dustbin and was as big as a bedroom so we know he is very big. I enjoyed the way the Chapter introduced the Character and want to read more because there are so many questions we need answered now. Things like where he came from, what he is doing here, who made and more. Overall we really like this book.

Serving+list- by Mele'ana

Kiwi Information - ( By Mele'ana )


The kiwi type is native to New Zealand and is only found in New Zealand. ( Unless you take them far away to another country.) A kiwi is flightless and they are also endangered species.

Kiwis are most found right outside the New Zealand,
Wellington city. Brown Kiwis are found in forested
areas in the North Island, Fiordland, South Westland
and Stewart Island. Kiwi's are Commonly found in
New Zealand. Kiwi's lives hunt and breed on the

Commonly found in New Zealand forests, the Kiwi lives, hunts and breads on the ground. Although they are native to NZ, they live around Wellington, Fiordland, North land and Stewart Islands. They are endangered species. The treats from predators are dogs, cats, rats, stoats and human hunters have left only million Kiwis in NZ.

My letter to Coach - ( By Mele'ana )

Learning Intention-W.A.L.T- write a letter to my coach.
Success Criteria-I know I am successful when I can write a letter to my coach using Capital letters, full stops and in paragraph form.
                                                                       St Patricks school
                                                                       5 Church Crescent
                                                                       Panmure, Auckland
                                                                       6 September 2018
Dear Coach Bjorn, 

I just wanna thank you for teaching me Badminton. I'm starting to be good at it. It's a really fun sport to play. I also wanna thank you for teaching me how to serve and teaching me how to hold the racket. It was really fun versing the others.

                                                                       Mele'ana ❤

A shape poem-By Mele'ana

Learning Intention-W.A.L.T-write a shape poem.
Success Criteria-I know I am successful when I can write a shape poem about volcanoes using adjectives.


                                         looked at
                                      a big volcano
                                   that looked strong
                               like a windy,swirly,huge
                             tornado. Molted lava every
                           night it's giving me a massive
                          fright. When a volcano starts to 
                        rumble it also gives a big grumble.
                     Hot rocks came down with a big tumble.