
Thursday 1 August 2019

Warsaw-By Mele'ana

Learning Intention-W.A.L.T-write a narrative story.
Success Criteria-I know I am successful when I can use full stops, Capital letter, correct spelling and in paragraph form.

Once upon a time, in a beautiful tree filled forest, lived an enormous, bright, green and purple fire breathing dragon named "Warsaw". He was lonely because he was ugly and he had no friends. People think he was scary. 

Warsaw went out for a fly, then he saw some people and they saw him, they all ran away. The thing was that Warsaw had big horns on top of his head, thats why people were scared of him, Warsaw felt sad that they kept running away. Until one day they called animal control and warned them that he was a dragon. The animal Control came and kid napped him in a big cage and left him in the forest with a lock, Warsaw started to scream and breath fire in the air. A girl named Bat girl came with her cousin Batman and they rescued him, but it took an hour because the cage was made out of a big texture. She saved him and took him to safety.

They both became friends and played lots of games together. Warsaw was really happy that he had a new best friend. One day Warsaw went to Bat girl's house to see lots of people, but it was full heroes. They didn't know that Warsaw was a dragon, they thought he was human. Warsaw walked through the door and everyone screamed, but then they all got used to Warsaw. So Bat girl was really happy that they were all friends. The next day Warsaw made many more friends.


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